Water Treatment

We have been at home in wastewater treatment for almost 50 years – all over the world. It's all thanks to our knife gate valves. With their unique features, they stand out where other valves fall short. They guarantee, firstly, the highest level of reliability when opening and closing the valve and, secondly, absolute zero leakage in both flow directions. This is a huge advantage at installation sites where valves cannot be serviced regularly. And that's not all: When it comes to the total cost over the years of operating a wastewater treatment plant or pumping station, Wey valves are unbeatable.

The wastewater treatment plant Basel
Expansion of one of the largest sewage plants in Switzerland with more than 700 Wey knife gate valves, butterfly valves and water control gates.
Municipal wastewater treatment plant Baden-Baden•Sinzheim
Implementation of a fourth cleaning stage for the elimination of micropollutants with more than 75 Wey knife gate valves and butterfly valves.